Yoga Studio Rotorua

Yoga practiced correctly transforms your body and brings clarity to the mind, awakens your sense of self and assists in your life. For this result practice must be appropriate, precise and utilise all your attributes with a contemplative attitude. Yoga is becoming very popular because it works. Popular forms of practice are dynamic and integrated as these are effective and better suitable for folks in sports and for those truly wanting to change their bodies and life experiences. These methods also involve periods of awareness training and deep relaxation.

Classes offered by the Yoga Studio are not wishy washy, vague and designed primarily around social graces. Classes are experiential, practical and challenging and over a term cover body mind relationships and how through changing posture, attitude, habit patterns and actions, we can reduce excess physical and emotional stress and learn to be more centered or integrated.

Learning to self-integrate in a culture/country with the highest young folks suicide rate of the "developed" world seem to be a useful option to have available. Certainly some folks find yoga a practical way to an integrated and peaceful state within the influences of the current NZ emotional and social factors, which lead to a sense of isolation and restriction/helplessness (and to these prevalent suicide tendencies in the young).

Classes are based on Iyengar Yoga, which is a detailed method creating more energy and awareness for living a fuller life.

Participants acquire practical methods for self-care and the exploration of potential and receive theory in relation to experiential learning to be able to relate to mind and bodywork in a practical and applied way.

Over the last year attendance at Iyengar Yoga classes around the country has increased, as the benefits are becoming known amongst sports and multi sports folks. Also the general population is attending for health and fitness reasons and to achieve a greater sense of self-integration.

The principle instructor is Paul Barton a certified Iyengar Yoga teacher with over 25 years of experience. His training has extended to study in India, Europe and Australia. Iyengar Yoga Teachers are examined under an international body to maintain standards and care should be taken when receiving teaching from a non-qualified person asserting they teach Iyengar yoga.

The Yoga Studio ROTORUA
P O Box 1753, Rotorua,

Residence. 07 3491 654.
Mobile 02743939310
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